We took a day trip down to Tarryall Res. when we were in Fairplay. The lake is quite nice. Rather small but is in a pretty setting. The one thing that will forever stay in our minds is the public toilets at the lake. I can honestly say I have never seen dirtier, stinkier, fouler, messy, unsanitary bathrooms in my entire time traveling around and stopping at state parks! Think of the worst you have ever seen and mulitply it by a factor of 10!

As you can see from this picture of the dam it is not very large. The white to the right of the photo is the overflow spillway. We had a lot of rain and it was really running over.

Along the trip we saw a lot of nice views but none to beat this one of a valley ranch house setting. This bucolic scene was quite lovely, with the meandering river running through the pasture.

This is a telephoto shot of a house we saw some distance from the road. It is the headquarters of a Bison ranch that is in the process of being set up. The rest of the ranch was being done up with no costs spared!
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