Side Trip

We headed west out of La Veta on Hwy 16o over La Veta Pass and then north towards Gardner on back roads then around through Walsenburg and back to La Veta.
The system is just great! We could track ourselves on even the most remote of roads and not worry about getting lost in the hills! It is surprising how many houses are built way back away from anywhere. The house shown above is at the very end of the electrical line. It has a wonderful view and is very secluded. Just a bit of heaven in Colorado!

All in all it was a neat trip and we saw alot of back country.

That navigation system sounds like a handy thing to have, especially when traveling.
Wow, that is quite a house. You're right, it looks just like a bit of heaven.
Yes the navigation system will be very helpful as we travel to new areas and new cities. Should keep us from getting lost!
It is amazing how many nice houses are being built way back in the wilderness areas. Guess people are getting to like solitude.
Glad you guys have mastered the navigation system and are confident you can find your way. I'm quite "new technology" challenged and would probably have my self turned around through not understanding what the heck the dern thing was trying to convey to me. I'd get it eventually, but I'd be testing it in Harveyville USA not the backroads in the mountains of Colorado! Thanks for the cool pictures of the back country.
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