Forrest Fire near La Veta, CO

As the series of photos above show, it is very dry here in La Veta, CO! The fire is north of Highway 160 and south of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. It is close enough to the highway to cause it to be shut down to traffic. There are some houses south of the highway that have been evacuated.
Some 270 fire fighters are trying to get this blaze under control and have been at it for several days. Just when they get it calmed down the wind picks up and they have to try to calm it down again.
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of weather coming to help the situation. It is as dry here as We have ever seen it. Streams that normally flow this time of year from the snow melt are dry as a bone. Not a good situation for
the people here as the depend on wells for water and it surely will not last the summer which will cause them to have to haul water from elsewhere. Rationing is already in affect.
Colorado just wanted to give you a "warm" welcome. ;-)
Sounds like you had quite a trip to get there. Hope the fires don't get too close and you enjoy your stay in La Veta.
Thanks for the update
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