Oatman, Arizona

We took a day trip from Needles yesterday and one of the places we visited was Oatman, Arizona which is an old mining town that has turned itself into a tourist attraction. Their main fun thing is to have donkeys wandering around loose and stopping the traffic. This group is on its way to town to beg for handouts from the tourists.
In order to get to the town we had to take old route 66! I took this route from Kansas to Long Beach, CA and back to Kansas during the summer of 1958 when I drove my mother, younger sisters and brother in my newly purchased 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline and with my newly acquired drivers license that I got on my 16th birthday two weeks before.
The trip today was far more comfortable in the Tahoe!

The actual town is quite small and mostly consists of shops full of trinkets for the visitors to purchase.

I will have to admit that their sense of humor is alive and well in the names that they chose for their stores.

Oakman AZ?????......I don't remember that town on the way to Ca in 58. Imagine that!
Looks like a cool little stop in the road though. They are sure proud of their ASSES are they?
Don't feel bad, I was driving and I don't remember this particular town either! We went through a lot of small towns on that trip!
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