Geophysical Study

They lay cables over many miles and also across the fields in a diagonal pattern. Then they take the trucks out and follow a preset pattern and vibrate the ground at certain intervals. If you look under the trucks you can see the pads that they compress down on the ground when they vibrate.
Normally they use two trucks in tandem to get the proper volume of vibrations and they have extra trucks so that they can use them when the wind increases. It seems that the instruments are so sensitive that if the wind rises above 30 miles per hour the friction of the wind across the ground causes interference and they need additional help with the vibrators.

All of these pictures are taken of the trucks in our wheat field which had just been planted. There is a couple of wells directly south of our farm so we hope this brings good results for us!

Is this study measuring? Those are some pretty impressive trucks. Who is conducting the study?
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