Four Generations of Family

There is a tradition in the family that the first born daughter of each generation would alternate between one of two middle names, Ellen or Mae. Therefore you see before you from the oldest to the youngest the following named first daughters.
Doris "Mae", Barbara "Ellen", Sheri "Mae", and Kimberly "Ellen"! This goes back a number of generations previous also. Kimberly says that we will have to wait for some time before she makes a donation to the tradition!

Here we have Grandma "Dorie" with Sheri and her family. She got that name when one of the grandchildren could not say her name when they were little and it stuck.
If you are waiting for my opinion, I will have to tell you that this is a fine looking group if I have ever seen one!
Sheri, Nicholas and Kimberly are all college students at the present time. Sheri will graduate this spring with TWO masters degrees in Human Resource. The other students are hard pressed to keep up in her wake! Shane is in the sixth grade this year so he is not caught up in any scholastic competition with the older folks!

This is a picture of Barbara and I with Grandma Dorie. The sweatsuit was warm and comfy on me so I did not dress up for the photo session!
These are really nice pictures of you all.
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