Queen Mine Tour, Bisbee, AZ

They made us dress for the tour with hard hats, slickers, and a light. The mine is about 47 degrees year round due to the availability of air coming through cracks and man made vents.
Don't we look cute!

Here we enter the tunnel on the train. We had to sit straddle of the center line and be very careful as the walls were quite close. Barbara was concerned going in as to whether her claustropbia would allow her to go in. She did just fine.
The mine has 120 miles of tunnels in it. It was one of the very first mines in the area and is owned by Phelps Dodge.

This is the second entrance and it was made in 1915. The orginal entrance was higher up the mountain.

Barbara cute in yellow,Neil I'm not so sure. John De B.
I cannot believe Mom went down into that mine. Greg would have passed on that opportunity - I am sure! Sheri
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