911 Memorial

Entirely from private donations they have erected a wonderful memorial to those that died in that tragedy. They took several pieces of steel from the towers, a block of granite from the Pentagon, and dirt from the field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania where flight 93 went down and incorporated them into this wonderful setting in a park on the western edge of town. There are
twin lights that shine during the night to represent the twin towers and it is
quite striking to see.
I was going to write a lot more regarding this and found that there is a website that really says it better than I could. One of the more recent events regarding this memorial is the bill put into the Kansas legislature by the Govenor to make this the official state memorial. You can read about it at http://www.9-11memorialanthonyks.org .

It is amazing what a small community can do if they put their mind to it. This is a wonderful memorial and I hope that more people will visit your wonderful little town!
Hurray for Anthony. It's a beautiful memorial and it looks like it would be quite a sight at night. It's something to really be proud of. Hell, I feel proud and I don't even live there.
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'd heard about it. I'll go look closer when I come to Anthony.
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